Seven Ways to Cope with Anxiety
Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom) Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom)

Seven Ways to Cope with Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be very difficult and can cause a wide range of symptoms. Your mood, behavior, and physical and mental health could all be affected. Most people have moments of fear or worries, but if these feelings start affecting your daily life, here are seven things you can do to help yourself. However, if you constantly struggle with fears, anxieties, or panic attacks, please seek medical help.

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How to Stop Automatic Negative Thinking
Michelle Boodoo Michelle Boodoo

How to Stop Automatic Negative Thinking

Changing your mindset takes practice, but by feeding the ANT, you will be retraining the brain to minimize situations to a less stressful way of feeling. The brain will start to develop paths to accommodate new ways of thinking, and soon you will find that you are less stressed because of your new mindset.

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Depression Can Happen to Anyone
Keila L. Maria Keila L. Maria

Depression Can Happen to Anyone

Depression can feel and look different. It can look like smiling in public while crying in private or crying in public and feeling worthless in private.

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What is Self-Esteem?
Keila L. Maria Keila L. Maria

What is Self-Esteem?

Not everyone has high Self-Esteem. If you are someone with low Self-Esteem, it is not your fault. The concept of how you see yourself typically develops in childhood or your younger years, your environment, and how the people around you treat you.

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12 Ways to Help Yourself to Get Out of Depression
Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom) Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom)

12 Ways to Help Yourself to Get Out of Depression

Notice positive things because depression alters a person's perspective on life. Things can appear bleak, negative, and hopeless. Make it a goal to notice three good things every day to help you shift your perspective.

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Everyone's Experience with Anxiety Disorders is Unique
Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom) Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom)

Everyone's Experience with Anxiety Disorders is Unique

If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, these feelings of fear and danger can last long and disrupt your daily routine even after the threat has passed. Everyone's experience with anxiety disorders is unique. Not everyone suffering from an anxiety disorder will exhibit the same symptoms.

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Social Anxiety is More Than Just Being Shy.
Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom) Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom)

Social Anxiety is More Than Just Being Shy.

Social Anxiety is more than just being shy; it's a persistent fear that interferes with daily activities, self-esteem, relationships, and work or school performance.

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Depression is a Real Disease with Real Symptoms
Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom) Gilda Anderson (Kathy's Mom)

Depression is a Real Disease with Real Symptoms

Depression is more than just being unhappy or tired for a few days. Depression is a long-lasting low mood disorder, and it goes beyond sadness. Most people have down times, but when you're depressed, you're down for weeks or months rather than just a few days.

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