Social Anxiety is More Than Just Being Shy.

Social anxiety is more than just being shy; it's a persistent fear that interferes with daily activities, self-esteem, relationships, and work or school performance. Many people worry about social situations occasionally, but someone with social anxiety worries excessively before, during, and after them. You may suffer from social anxiety if you experience some of these symptoms.

  • Isolation

  • Avoidance of contact with friends

  • Avoid social activities

  • Feeling like you are being judged all of the time

  • Fear of being criticized, avoidance of eye contact, or low self-esteem

  • Neglecting your hobbies and interests 

  • Experiencing difficulties at home, work, or in your family life

  • Worry about everyday activities like meeting strangers, striking up conversations, talking on the phone, working, or shopping

  • Always be concerned about doing something embarrassing, such as blushing, sweating, or appearing incompetent

  • Find it difficult to do things when others are watching

  • Have symptoms such as nausea, sweating, trembling, a pounding heartbeat, and palpitations

  • Have panic attacks, where you feel an overwhelming sense of fear and anxiety for a few minutes at a time

  • Many people suffering from social anxiety also suffer from depression, generalized anxiety, or panic disorder



Everyone's Experience with Anxiety Disorders is Unique


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