You are Enough

She Is, and Will Always be, my Princess

As Kathy’s father, she IS the most powerful and gentle rock in my life. She represented all things kind and caring in the eyes of everyone who met her. Kathy loved every kind of living soul, even spiders, frogs, and the people who mistreated her. Her love shined through her soft voice, her caring demeanor of always wanting to be of service, and her dreams of making this world a better place for everyone. As her “Papi,” her smile and angelic voice were the medicine to my soul when the world seemed broken. She is the sweetest thing in all of my life’s journey, and I will forever carry her in my heart. Her playful hugs, warm smiles, and deep conversations were the glue that made me whole. 

Kathy had a creative soul, and she used her love of music, art, poetry, and cooking to be of service to others. Everything she touched reflected the beauty that she was and still is in my heart and soul. Since the day Kathy was born, I have been overflowing with joy to have my very own little princess. As the years went by, my heart continued to overflow with pride and joy from seeing how Kathy’s true nature and abilities developed. I was always amazed at what a BEAUTIFUL young lady Kathy was becoming and the reinforcement of that from everyone who met her.

Kathy was strong-minded and cared deeply for her loved ones. Unfortunately, she held her struggles and pain to herself to protect the rest of the family from her suffering. Like a little giant, she was carrying the heavy weight of depression alone. When Kathy was born, I knew my sole purpose in life was to love and protect her, and now because of her, my purpose is to help others carry their loads. In life, she was my aspiration, and in death, she is my inspiration, and forever she is and will always be my princess.

Kathy and her dad

Music credit belongs to Ruelle - I Get To Love You.

She continues to AMAZE and INSPIRE us every day! ❤️

So, Kathy was working towards her BA degree at Florida Atlantic University, and a few months ago, we reached out to them regarding the possibility of granting an honorary degree for her. After returning from a trip, we were deeply moved to receive Kathy's AA degree, a cherished gift commemorating her time at FAU. We were on a pilgrimage in Spain, walking to honor Kathy's 27th birthday, and we returned home to find a package from FAU awaiting us. Our hearts overflowed with joy as this degree was the most heartfelt birthday gift we could have imagined for Kathy. We are truly grateful to the folks at FAU for going beyond what words can express. We will forever treasure FAU's assistance in honoring Kathy and helping us create cherished memories of her. ❤️UKP!

A Story About a Special Orange

This year, on Kathy's birthday, we started walking across the Pyrenees from the South of France into Spain to honor and celebrate her. Our original plan was to have a birthday picnic somewhere in the mountains, but the weather had other plans, as the rain continued throughout the day.

Before our hike began, we had prepared candles, a cupcake, and a handful of other treats for the birthday picnic, but we had to cancel because of the rain.

As the evening came, we went to dinner and found ourselves gathered around a communal dinner table at our accommodations. Our host prepared a three-course meal for the guests, and he even accommodated my vegan needs with a salad and an orange for dessert. As the meal came to an end, the host invited each of us to share our reasons for going on this pilgrimage.

One by one, stories were shared, each filled with personal significance and heartfelt emotion. When we stood up and shared that our walk was to honor Kathy and that today marked her 27th birthday, a quietness fell over the room. We shared that we intended to have a birthday picnic on the Pyrenees. I describe how we wanted to be in the mountains, as close as possible to the heavens, to wish Kathy a happy birthday. I then opened my bag, took out the candles that were still tucked away, and stuck them in my orange. The host approached and lit the candles, and the room sang Happy Birthday for Kathy. It was an emotional and unforgettable moment, with people from around the world joining in to celebrate her special day with us.

The following day, we continued our hike along the mountain trails. At one of the highest points, we shared the orange while reminiscing about Kathy. We left some of the orange on the mountain for her and were blessed to have created beautiful memories of Kathy's 27th birthday.

Do not stand at my grave and weep;

I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on the ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning hush,

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry;

I am not there. I did not die.

- by Mary Frye

Flowers from the garden and around the house for her.

Poems Written by Kathy

Five Year Old Kathy and her Mimi

Quote Source: Michelle

“Kathy was my stepdaughter, and I was her Mimi. I met Kathy when she was five years old. It was an evening in July 2002, and I vividly remember Kathy running out of her bedroom and planting herself next to me on the sofa. That was the first time I met Kathy, and I remember everything about her that night, especially her soft voice, her laughter, and her tiny fingers holding my hand. All I knew was that this little girl stole my heart at those very moments, and I would never get it back. Kathy grew up to be a beautiful 25-year-old young lady with the kindest heart and the purest soul; she was the sunshine in our lives and a reflection of everything beautiful. Kathy was perfect in every way. Even though she is gone, she continues to live in every corner of my heart ... she will forever be with me, and I will forever be her Mimi. LOVEUKP… always.”

Quote Source: Emily

“Although we weren’t blood cousins, Kathy always made me feel like we were. Kathy is my cousin. I refuse to refer to her in the past tense. Kathy’s luminous energy and the love she showed me remain alive in my memories like a motion picture. In true cinematographic spirit, frame-by-frame, her empathetic and considerate demeanor perpetuates the very essence of what it means to have a loved one. Kathy will be loved and dearly missed — as is the mortal consequence of experiencing the bittersweetness of loss and nostalgia.”

Quote Source: Nina

“On Oct 31, 2015, I spent a beautiful day with Kathy and her family at Gibb’s Gardens. We spent the day walking, talking, and enjoying nature and each other’s company. On the way out, we stopped in the little market on-premises and got giant chocolate chip cookies and drinks. KP was like a little girl filled with joy with her treats. One of many times I shared with her, but for some reason, this one is in my heart. Miss you and love you, sweet angel.”

Quote Source: Nessa

“Some people bring light into the world that lights up a room. Kathy’s light was like the sun, abundant, undeniable, and powerful in nature. Her light possessed the ability to illuminate the world. Her light was sustaining. When the sun takes rest, there is always the hope of a new day and the light, hope, and joy it will bring. Kathy has left love and light in all who were blessed to know and love her.”

Quote Source: Itzi

“Kathy’s smile was just one of her most beautiful attributes, but her kindness and love were another. I will never forget the day that both our families vacationed together in Colorado. We all went skiing one day. We were all so excited for her and her cousins to ski together. Nothing could stop the excitement, but then Kathy found a glove on the ground. Kathy was so kind and loving that she stopped and said, “no, I need to return the glove to lost and found; someone might be looking for it.” I remember thinking, who cares about a single old glove? And for a minute, I thought, how many of us would take that extra time out of our vacation for a glove? That was just one example of her kind heart and her loving spirit. On another vacation, I remember her playing with a ladybug and wanting it to be set free. Kathy didn’t want anything captured, she always wanted things to be free, and now like the wings she wore on the 5k color run, she is free herself. Her spirit and her smile remain embedded in my soul forever.”

Quote Source: Bridgette

“I've known Kathy as one of my best friends. I always introduced her as my cousin, as we may not be related by blood directly; we were always a family. She was a kind and special person in my life, and as it pains me that she will not be in the future, I know she is in a better place. I wish her the best and miss her so much. Heaven got a wonderful angel of a person. Love, Bridgette, I will forever miss you.”

She was the SUNSHINE of our LIVES and a REFLECTION of everything BEAUTIFUL

— Everyone who knew her.