12 Ways to Help Yourself to Get Out of Depression

1. Don't ignore your problems. They will not resolve themselves and tend to worsen with time. Seeking professional help early and addressing your problems is the only way forward, even if the journey can initially be painful. Contact your doctor immediately.

2. Avoid staying in bed or allowing your sleep patterns to become disrupted. Insomnia can exacerbate depression, and sticking to a regular sleep schedule is the best way to avoid it.

3. Don't drink alcohol, especially in large quantities. Although it may temporarily make you feel better, it does not solve anything and can quickly introduce new problems. It also acts as a depressant, impeding other forms of recovery.

4. Avoid comparing yourself and your life to others. You're almost certainly not seeing reality, and coming up short will only make you feel worse. This is especially true on social media, where most people only share the highlights of their lives.

5. Resist the urge to listen to depressing music. It may speak to your current mood but is unlikely to lift it.

6. Don't dwell on problems. It can be therapeutic to discuss a problem with a caring friend. However, depression can cause people to complain, blame, and rehash problems excessively. It has the potential to keep you focused on what is wrong.

7. Notice positive things because depression alters a person's perspective on life. Things can appear bleak, negative, and hopeless. Make it a goal to notice three good things every day to help you shift your perspective. The more good you see, the more good you WILL notice.

8. It may be tempting to lose yourself in video games or other virtual distractions, but don't go too far. At best, it is avoidance; at worst, it further isolates you from the outside world, allowing your problems to grow out of proportion.

9. Never feel bad about being depressed. It's a disease with both genetic and environmental causes. It is not your fault; you are not weak, and you cannot simply snap out of it.

10. Try not to dwell on the future too much, especially if doing so always leads to catastrophizing, where you can only imagine the worst. When something good happens, try to stay in the moment.

11. Exercise is a great way to improve your mood. Every day, go for a 15-30-minute brisk walk. You can also dance, play a sport, stretch, or practice yoga. People who are depressed may not want to be active. Attempt to persuade yourself to do it anyway. Ask a friend to exercise with you if you need motivation.

12. Eat nutritious foods and drink plenty of water. Some people who are depressed do not feel like eating, and some may overeat. However, what you eat can impact your mood and energy levels. So, if you suffer from depression, you must ensure that you eat properly. For the majority of people, this means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit simple carbs and sugary foods and desserts. Don't go for too long without eating; even if you're not hungry, eat something light and nutritious. Don't forget to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.


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